How we are relationally oriented
What is a Bachelor in Psychology To answer these questions, it is perhaps good to first take a step back, and see what psychology and a bachelor s degree in this subject are about, regardless of direction or place of study. Psychology is about a lot. It is, among other things, about people s thoughts, feelings and actions and how we are both individuals and and enter into complicated social interactions with others.On a bachelor s program in psychology, students learn, among other things, precisely moible number data about these different aspects of being a human being. Psychology attacks this complicated subject area in a scientific way, so as a bachelor s student in psychology, students will encounter both practical and research based angles to understand the human mind. But what does this really mean It often strikes me that texts that are supposed to explain what something is about, for example a course of study that I just tried to describe.
Bear the mark of many apparently nice and big words. It can make me feel that I have read something great and important, and for a few seconds I can feel smart and enlightened. But that feeling can quickly be replaced by a kind of emptiness in my head, and I have to stop and ask myself the question what was I actually reading just now . Then to find out that they were mainly beautiful words that didn t really give much content and meaning. I am often left missing something concrete, something I can perhaps relate to knowledge I already have, so that I can really understand it.