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Pursuant to the provisions of Art. Industrial property rights Patents are granted - regardless of the technical field - for inventions that are new, involve an inventive step and are suitable for industrial use. In turn, the provision of Art. of the Industrial Property Law states that: An invention is considered new if it is not part of the state of the art cf. paragraph ; The state of the art is understood as everything that, before the date on which the priority to obtain a patent is determined, has been made available.To the general public in the form of a written or oral description, by use, exhibition or disclosure in any other way cf. paragraph ; Information contained in applications for inventions or utility models enjoying prior phone number list priority, not made o constitute part of the state of the art, provided that they are published in the manner specified in the Act cf. paragraph ; The provisions of section - do not exclude the possibility of granting a patent for an invention relating to substances or mixtures constituting part of the state of the art for use or application in a strictly defined manner in methods of treatment or diagnosis referred to in Art. section poin.,h_376,al_c,lg_1,q_80,enc_auto/fe6211_2d51b576c1c84a40b0091b3822b0d6c5~mv2.jpg
Provided that such use does not constitute part of the state of the art cf. paragraph ; The provisions of section and do not exclude the possibility of granting a patent for an invention if its disclosure took place no earlier than six months before the date of filing the application for the invention and was caused by obvious abuse towards the applicant or his legal predecessor cf. paragraph . IMPORTANT - the condition of novelty is an essential criterion for assessing the patentability of inventions, because the intention is to grant patent protection to new solutions, previously unknown.