Following an orderly process will also help to successfully overcome many of the obstacles and difficulties that we will inevitably encounter on a day-to-day basis, by firmly laying the foundations for our future strategic relationships. And for that it is not possible to go around kissing frogsIt has been the worst effect of the years of the crisis: the layoffs of many workers in companies around the world, leaving the labor outlook very complicated worldwide.
Now that the recovery is underway and in many of these companies the option of re-forming teams is being considered, there is a certain tendency towards rehiring, that is, the selection of former employees. This is a new trend, since in the moible number data days prior to the crisis, this option was hardly considered: almost no company rehired former employees. The fact that this option is gaining momentum implies a change in business philosophy, a change that is being noticed above all in financial and manufacturing companies.

One of the hardest hit during the crisis. A recent study provides significant data: 49% of financial companies and 47% of manufacturing and 42% of the service sector plan to rehire former workers, either as full-time workers, as consultants or even as freelancers. Another survey reveals that 9 out of 10 employers view rehiring positively. This type of hiring, also called boomerang hiring, focuses above all on rehiring TOP employees.