Ad other things that interest us. From this we conclude that the most liked themes are relationships and love, bed role-playing games (personal life) and material about intimacy. According to reviews the winner's material has a lot of dark humor that is equally about intimacy and the difficulties of being a parent (mixed.
Wth dark humor). Record it and remember to continue. so let’s last database pivot. Download Jimmy Carr's account details We see sorted by likes, retweets, and, . We concluded that the most popular formats that immediately attracted attention were the most popular genres were rude jokes and dark humor and the hottest topics were relationships, panic attacks and age-related issues as well as advice for single men Hashtag Kang.

Now we are no longer Take individual comedians as an example but comedy groups as an example. It is the most famous comedian channel in the CIS region and it includes a large number of different comedians which means there is a lot of different material and topics. We need. Upload your account Most popular topics Program clips focusing on improvisation and baking Like speeches Popular topics Missing childhood, weird things in bed, child.