Nobody likes to read super long messages. It’s too much effort to make for a complete stranger. linkedin prospecting messages template Time is value. Why would I spend min reading this text that looks completely boring? . Don’t pitch in the first message Pitches make your messages a lot longer. That is why you shouldn’t put your sales pitch in the first message. Neither ask for a meeting right away. bad linkedin prospecting message.
What happens with his kind of messages is that seo expate bd they propose a solution without asking if there is a problem first. Your sales pitch should only come out when you confirmed with your prospect that he has the problem you are solving. . Don’t add notes in your request if not relevant It’s better not to add notes than add a bad note. At least when you don’t add notes, you have the benefice of the doubt. When you are sending a non-personalized note like this one, it’s a red flag.

You tell your prospect: “hey, I’m here to annoy you with non-personalized messages. Want to connect?” bad connection request note In its study, Waalaxy found something interesting. Connection requests without notes tend to have a higher acceptance rate. note linkedin prospecting Moreover, if your note doesn’t get accepted, you can still send them and Inmail which are direct messages that bypass the connection request step. And you don’t get a reply to your inmail either, you can still find your prospects’ emails and send them a cold email.