One of the factors that differentiate each of these results is the quality and originality of the content . When you don't get the results you expect, therefore, copyright infringement may have occurred . All content on your blog must be original; always! Of course, this does not prevent you from making references, quotes or even links to content signed by other authors. But it is necessary to produce the material that they are making available, which is a big challenge, since many topics are covered in different blogs, right.
But Google's algorithm soon figures out which pages have published certain Bahrain WhatsApp Number content first and which are just replicating it. This is the worst way to lose relevance within the search engine. That way, even if the browsing experience is positive, your blog will lose reliability, which will affect your rankings. Slow or heavy website User experience should be evaluated at every touch point between a company and users, right? This is no different when it comes to having a blog. Every detail is extremely important, after all, what Google wants most is to ensure that whoever is using its services can obtain quality relevant content and can navigate without problems.

According to Google's own information, every extra second that a page is loaded can lead to an increase in the bounce rate . So, one of the reasons why your blog is not appearing in the first results in the SERPs could be slow loading. Very heavy images and a website not designed for the mobile version , for example, are some of the many errors that can cause this headache. Therefore, it is essential that you create your blog on a reliable server and use good SEO practices so that navigation is satisfactory.