Let's look at it this way, an "insight" is the path that leads us to have a good idea, we have to know how to define it to be able to differentiate it and most importantly, be able to find it to present it. In advertising we have been talking for years about understanding the target or target audience, but we do not understand it if we do not know its deepest insights, which make our task easier when creating a strategy based on people's criteria and thoughts . Once you find the right insight, you will find the right solution to the problem.
The difficult thing is to find it since it is never visibly detectable, because HT Lists the way a client feels and thinks is not tangible, it depends on the market research carried out by companies and from this create an idea that goes hand in hand with the discovery. , here the creative department comes in to find the right path. Some insights I am going to tell you some insights that I have found in my professional career as a publicist, this does not mean that these are my findings. “The men who enjoy dancing the most are the ones who dance the worst” “The last French fry tastes better.” “When you are hungry you don't behave like yourself” “Mondays are more difficult to assimilate.

There is nothing like touching the bed after a long day” I believe that we all live these truths or generalized perceptions in the day to day of our lives, it's just that many times we enjoy them but we don't think about them. If a brand has the ability to understand, seek and communicate this, they will have an advantage over their competitors, because people will feel that the brand understands them and thinks like them. Insights can have to do with marketing, with brands and products, with situations, with people and with life itself. It depends on each brand to know how to exploit it and find the correct use for it, since it can become a radio spot, a Facebook post, a BTL action or a large -degree campaign.