People acknowledge having suffered LGTBIphobia at work, and up to 75% of workers claim to have seen some type of verbal aggression towards LGTBI people. This is reflected in a study carried out by the LGTBI confederal area of UGT coinciding with the celebration of International Pride Day. The data provided is “worrying,” says the union. More than 44% of the people surveyed have been forced to hide their sexual orientation and/or gender identity during a job interview. Furthermore, two out of three people hide their sexual orientation at work for fear not only of retaliation from their colleagues, but also because of the reaction there may be in relation to the company's management. Regarding trans people , the information revealed by the study is even more worrying.
Two-thirds of trans people are afraid to recognize their gender identity at work and their unemployment rate is more than double the unemployment rate of other LGTBI people, making them the most vulnerable part Guatemala Mobile Number List of the group. And the thing is that, until the repeal of article 52.3 of the Workers' Statute, which allowed workers in this country to be fired for repeated absences from work as an objective, many trans people have suffered from not being incorporated into working life or even the dismissal when they were in the middle of the transition process. The study also reflects that more than 80% of trans people are unemployed.
A situation of injustice that aggravated the situation of vulnerability to which the trans community has traditionally been condemned,” denounces UGT. The union remembers that collective bargaining is the greatest tool to fight against this scourge. “It allows us to change the social and labor reality of the entire working class, currently more than nineteen million people in Spain, and achieve the acquisition of rights for all. It allows us to eliminate all types of discrimination, whether due to sexual orientation, identity or gender expression within the workplace and bring the reality of work closer to social demands.