On the internet, there are several digital marketing techniques that your industry can implement with little effort, time and resources and that can still bring significant improvements to your business.
These digital marketing techniques provide seve Chinese Overseas Asia Number Data ral relevant and assertive adjustments for the maintenance and growth of your industry.
Companies are increasingly investing in a digital strategy, as this is one of the fastest growing trends today.
According to the State of Inbound Marketing Study, for example, when digital marketing techniques are used, the cost per lead (CPL) is 61% lower than with traditional media techniques.
In this article, you will follow the digital marketing techniques applied in four communication channels: website, social media pages, email marketing campaign and landing pages.
These are landing or landing pages to convert your website's online visitors.
Additionally, understand about content marketing, results marketing and how to implement digital marketing strategies in your industry.
Check out the 20 digital marketing techniques below that you can use to boost your company:
Use keywords in your titles
Insert call-to-actions throughout the page
Invest in attractive images
Do some work with internal links
Place links in the signature of emails and materials
Include social sharing buttons on your pages
Create institutional content
Beware of duplicate content
Have an active chat
Repurpose posted content
Insert links to landing pages in social media posts
Promote your Facebook posts to your desired audience
Follow your customers on social media
Invest in Youtube
Segment your emails
Send your offers in a unique email
Talk to the user through email marketing
Create landing pages
Make the conversion form as simple as possible
Use the thank you page
Content Marketing
Results marketing
Digital marketing for your industry
1. Use keywords in your titles
First, it’s worth understanding what keywords are. They are terms that summarize the published content and that are found more than once throughout the text.
They are also the term used by users to search for a specific subject.
In other words, when your keyword is highly requested by users, its visibility increases significantly.
The titles of your articles, in addition to being eye-catching, need to have keywords so that search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing can identify and position your website in organic search.
This is one of the digital marketing techniques that help you increase your online visibility.
Try to carry out a study with the best keywords that you find within your segment and that are searched monthly by digital users.
But you need to be careful, as a word with a high volume of searches is not always the best option for your business.
Tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner, FreshKey and Keyword Tool help you with this task.
Although they are simple tools, they require an analysis between search volume and level of competition for words.
2. Insert calls-to-actions throughout the page
The best way for you to encourage user conversions is to insert call-to-action buttons that will direct users to the pages you want.
Insert these buttons on all pages of your website and even in the rich materials that your industry can produce and make available for download.
Some examples of buttons are: “download the e-book”, “request a quote now”, “download” and so on.