Some other startup maybe from China or maybe a US based open source venture will step in and grab that territory. And there is much to grab with the world population soaring to billion people by . But if Facebook does get it right it can easily grab half that population. Is this an optimistic scenario or a Big Brother nightmare There are a vast number of ways that this might potentially make our lives better and happier. And there are just as many ways that Facebook can go awry.
If the main driver is to use the technology for invasive and intrusive paths toward profit Facebook s future may well be questionable. If it can incorporate a real and active impetus to do the right thing for humanity it will be much more successful in the years ahead than it has been in the past decade. POST A COMMENT In order to be published comments must Chinese Overseas America Number Data be on topic and civil in tone with no name calling or personal attacks. Your comment may be edited for clarity and length. Consequences to Directors of Shareholder Activism by Ian D. Gow Sa Pyung Sean Shin and Suraj Srinivasan Activism by hedge fund and other investors to improve governance and performance of companies has become a significant phenomenon in recent years. In this paper the authors examine a number of career consequences for directors when firms are subject to activist shareholder interventions.
Examining activism events—all publicly disclosed shareholder activism from to conducted by hedge funds or other major shareholders—the authors find that directors exit the board at a higher rate when their firms are targeted by activists. by dissident shareholders are also likely to leave the board as are directors at firms targeted by activism with no board related demands let alone a formal proxy fight. Overall whether departure is voluntary optimal or otherwise the evidence suggests that activism is associated with career consequences for directors. Key concepts include Shareholder activism imposes career costs on directors.