What you can guarantee them. Give them reasons to believe in you it could be your experience awards or even the opinions of other customers. A brand promise can also take the form of... a mission a goal. As many as of consumers around the world prefer to buy goods and services from companies that share a common goal that reflects their personal values and beliefs. Focusing on your goal can become an additional aspiration for your contractors. Let's say you are a glass manufacturer and your brand's goal is to produce absolutely scratchresistant glass. Will your furniture manufacturing customers prefer to buy absolutely scratchresistant glass from you or ordinary glass?
The answer suggests itself. Your goal can become your client's asset . Moreover a clear brand mission acts as a glue within the organization. Of course only if everyone knows and understands it perfectly. Marketing is an investment Hit Post quote Dwarf No. VALUES Determine what values your brand will be guided by. They do not have to be unique but it is important that they are authentic . Such values should be enforced both externally through communication style and approach to customer service and inside the organization in activities aimed at employees. Only then can we talk about consistency. How to implement values in the company?
Well certainly not by hanging them on the wall in the CEO's room. For example if one of the primary values of your brand is openness every person in the organization should know how to implement this value in their position. A salesperson can be open to negotiations with the customer the president to new solutions and production people to comments instead of perceiving them as criticism. With clearly defined values you build reputation and trust the two most valuable currencies among contractors. .