The enormous amount of personal information and behavioral data of users allows advertisers to target audiences quickly and effectively. The key word is personalization . These highly fuel the creativity of advertisers , always looking for new solutions. Images, videos, stories, the most recent carousel adverts : the scenario is constantly evolving.
One of the latest innovations is chatbots. Introduced Turkey Phone Numbers 32 Million List with Facebook Messenger in 2016, they were intended to make Facebook customer service easier and faster. Among the smartest communication tools of the new digital age , chatbots owe their existence to artificial intelligence (AI). Chatbots under the microscope: what they are and how they work As the Italian teacher said: first of all the definitions.
What is a chatbot? A chatbot is software that, using artificial intelligence (AI), is capable of conversing with a user using a language that is as natural as possible. If well developed, it can interpret the interlocutor's intentions and respond comprehensively. To do this, you must follow the guidelines given by the company and use the data available.